Wood must be split into pieces and stacked out of the rain for at least six months to season properly.
Best way to burn logs in fireplace.
One method is to use a starter block starterlogg is one brand break off a quarter of a stick or a commercial wax log such as duraflame or pine mountain.
These inserts draw in.
Others claim the upside down method for arranging logs is the best way.
The best wood for burning in the fireplace.
Oak is one of the densest and highest energy woods making it a gold standard for wood fires.
Some people go with the traditional triangle approach while others have opted for a bit more elaborate strategy by placing two logs at either end of the grate and then stacking two logs perpendicular to those base logs on top kind of like a log cabin.
Ash is one of the best overall choices favored for its user friendly nature.
Douglas fir is among the most.
When compared with the tepee method of leaning logs against one another over a smaller fire made of kindling in the middle the log cabin method promotes a more evenly distributed burn.
Depending on your type of fireplace you may need to go with traditional chopped and dried logs or pellets for more modern setups.
Pile the logs so that there is air flow between them.
Wet wood is easier to split than dry wood.
Firstly the elements of a good fire are a suitable choice of the tinder the kindling and the logs or fuel.
The available heat content in firewood is.
These will light and stay lit creating some warmth inside the firebox and helping the draft start upwards and they burn with little smoke.
Cover with smaller logs and brush douse it with diesel never use gas.
When you re using dry wood stacking your logs in layers in opposite directions is your best bet also known by many as the log cabin method.
Well seasoned firewood generally has darkened ends with visible cracks or splits.
If steam bubbles and hisses out of the end grain as the firewood heats up on the fire the wood is wet or green and needs to be seasoned longer before burning.
Freshly cut green logs produce more smoke making them hazardous.
Always burn wood that is dry to the touch and seasoned prepared for burning by allowing excess moisture to fully evaporate.
Seasoned wood is always better than green or moist wood.
While it s true that most wood will burn in a fireplace choosing the right wood is important not only to your enjoyment of your fire but the health of your fireplace and your environment.